Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Act One | The Request

Moving Picture Man: Hey, FruHo!  I was recently hit over the head with an anvil.  Wanna film a TV show based on your blog and pitch it to TV networks?

The Frugal Hostess: Hell to the yes, MPM!  When do we start?

MPM: How does next week strike you?

TFH: Sure, I'm in!  Someone get me another anvil. 

Act Two | The Preparation 

Interior shot of house.  Close-up on hard wood floors.  From the left, a fuzzy image rolls into frame.  As the camera focuses, we see that it is a dreaded Dog Hair Tumbleweed.  An ominous mood takes hold, and we are left to wonder if the Dog Hair Tumbleweed can be vanquished.
Close up on dingy gray fuzzy slippers.  The camera slowly pans upward, and we see The Frugal Hostess place some seemingly disparate items onto a blond wood tray.  She shuffles over to the counter, and we watch as she pulls the leaves off of flower stems.  Then, with a jarring suddenness, a large Dog Hair Tumbleweed enters the shot.
The camera is centered on a white pasta bowl, into which some whole wheat noodles are being placed.  Slowly, mushrooms and kale begin to dot the surface of the pasta.  We overhear one side of a phone conversation.

TFH: Well, I'm doing a vegan cleanse to prepare for filming.  No, no beer or wine either.  [pause] Yes, that's right, just vegetables and grain.  It's actually not that bad.  You sort of stop focusing on food as anything but fuel.

The Dog Hair Tumbleweed nods in agreement.

Act Three | The Production

Moving Picture Man: Uh, where am I?  Why is all my camera equipment here, FruHo?  And man, why does my head hurt so bad?

The Frugal Hostess: Ummm.

Act Four | The Aftermath

Interior shot of house.  Close-up on hard wood floors.  From the left, a fuzzy image rolls into frame.  As the camera focuses, we see that it is The Frugal Hostess, sprawled on the kitchen floor.  In one hand, she holds a gnawed chicken leg; in the other, a 40 oz. bottle of Old English.


And that, Fair Reader, is how The Frugal Hostess wound up filming a demo for a possible TV show based on this blog.  Yes, this blog.  Seriously.  You can see some photos on the Facebook page.

The Frugal Hostess is having a meat-dairy-beer extravaganza, just to ensure she has the ever-endearing Carb Face on the next shoot.  Please comment.  You can also follow on Twitter @frugalhostess or subscribe so that you always know when a new post appears.

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  1. Watch out Rachel, The Frugal Hostess is about to take over cause she more frugal that you and cuter too

  2. Dog hair tumbleweed is the best.

  3. When can we see the show????? This is a great idea!


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